

Marketing Budget Calculator

Free Marketing Guides & Calculators

How Much Should I Budget for Marketing?

Why You Need A Marketing Budget?

Developing a marketing budget helps you allocate funds for projects in advance. Calculate the ROI from your marketing project and compare your year-over-year progress.

Your marketing budget should be based not on how much you want to spend but rather how much you need to spend to achieve your business goals. Decisions related to marketing budget allocation remain largely industry specific.

Some of the few numbers you need to know before you calculate your marketing budget; Monthly and Annual revenue, goals for growth, number of current and needed customers, current marketing spend.

Enter your company’s information in the field below.

Marketing Budget Calculator

    What is your industry? *

    Current annual revenue*

    Your current monthly or projected revenue*

    Annual revenue goal in 12 months

    How much do you currently spend on marketing per month?*

    % of revenue currently from online business?*

    % of revenue or projected revenue earmarked for marketing*

    How many customers do you currently have?

    How many new customers do you currently acquire per month?*

    Additional customers needed per month. (On average)

    Additional new customers needed over the next year

    Number of customers needed to achieve revenue goal

    What is your goal revenue for this year?

    Enter Email*

    Try Our Interactive Financial Calculators

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    Before you launch a new venture, you should take the time to estimate the total capital that will be needed.

    Similar to bond or real estate valuations, the value of a business can be expressed as the present value of expected future earnings.

    Given your profit margin, it is important to know how many units of a certain product that you will need to sell in order to cover your fixed/startup costs.

    For additional calculators check out our Parent Company website

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    Executing And Optimizing Multi-Channel Campaigns

    Upward Digital Group offers a full suite of digital services ranging from website design to online marketing and Data Analytics, to provide your business with a stronger online presence. We are dedicated to creative and results-driven web-based solutions using the latest trends and technologies.

    We are dedicated to creative and results-driven web-based solutions using the latest trends and technologies. Through content marketing, email marketing and automation, SEO, PPC, and more, our team develops custom strategies that grow your business.

     We tailor our services, no matter the business size, to a wide range of clients in many different industries. Reach out to learn how Upward Digital Group can help you create new growth. Just complete the form below and one of our marketing experts will reach out to schedule a consultation.